Thursday, June 14, 2012

Song of the Day - Kamisori - DuelJewel


Ok, ok, before I listen to this song a fifth time in a row, I'll just put this here. 

I figured, since my last chanson du jour was something from when I was 15, let's move slightly forward through time and look at what a rabbit hole I fell into at age 16. If we'll keep up the metaphor, DuelJewel were that suspicious white rabbit that I followed through the burrow. 

 DuelJewel have always been special for me, I'm not sure why. Somehow, their music has been a shining light through dark times - and very few bands can make me feel that way. Kiyoharu, Rize, Dir en grey, maybe at some point Miyavi.... those were the bands I fell upon when puberty fully hit and then reality came flying at me soon after. Let's give some credit where it's due, though - without having stumbled onto DuelJewel, I would probably have no sense for music (and I would be a lawyer.)

Now, before Rize or Miyavi were part of my CD collection, and before I'd even heard Dir en grey, I found DuelJewel on the internet while hanging out with my best friend. Hayato's voice totally blew my mind. Somehow, though, there was something beyond the looks, something I felt was missing in life. Something that drifted through the music, something that echoed in every note, something that kept me coming back to hear more and more from them. And, somehow, through them, I found motivation to go waste my life and be a musician, rather than bother looking for decent pre-law programs. 

I think, a big problem in music today, no matter what the genre is, that people just look for beautiful people, or "the next" something or other. The next Kiss, the next Lady Gaga, whatever. People don't pay attention to finding that SOMETHING, that something that I heard in DuelJewel's music. That something is what makes a song awesome. That something is what gives a listener hope, a dream, motivation. That something can be found in the songs of all great bands and artists. It's not a something that can be named, or easily described, or bought, or procured at the drop of a hat, or conjured by a magician. It can't be made by a record label, it can't be made on Twitter, and they don't sell a Something for $9.99 at Hot Topic. 

DuelJewel, for me, are one of those bands that holds a Something. A Something Awesome, so to call it. That something made me hope there's still room for music to be made in this world that doesn't function as a marketing technique for big corporations. That something shines like a ray of light on a stormy day. That something, is what kept me going at times, day after day after day. Though on my journey through the wastelands of rock, I've found many bands that held the Something, both past and present, DuelJewel were the ones who helped me find it was still existing. So, for that, I have to say thank you to them, because if there is no start, there can be no story, and there can be no journey.

Anyway, enough of my fucking blabbing. Let's get on with it. 

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